
June 12, 2011

Even More Privacy

Super black out "window tint"
A cool and drizzly Saturday so I went to see X-Men: First Class in the dry theater. Not bad but I was expecting a little more. Did some homework after and by 5pm I thought I’d rest my eyes for a quick nap. Woke up at 9:30pm to a drunk kid peeing on my car and scared the hell out of him. Did some more homework and back to bed at 11:30pm. A pretty wasted day all around. 

Today, Sunday, I've been trying to make up for lost time. I did laundry, homework, cleaned out the car, and made some very quick black out shades for the back seat. They're more for privacy than anything else but I was surprised that they seem to let some light in but not much light out. Construction fabric was about $10 and Velcro (for easy removal) was $3.50 so not too bad. My curtains are now on a tension rod separating the front and back of the car. Tomorrow I'll pick up another four feet of fabric for the back window and then I'll be set. This stuff is very like neaprine so I'll be interested to see what the insulation potential is. 
From the inside

In other news I'm still waiting for some sun light so I can test the solar oven I made Friday night. A full demo and review will follow but it looks like Wednesday is the only sun this week... 


  1. I hate to be a wet blanket, but I think you're going to find that the velcro side that's glued to the windows will come off in sunlight. I never could figure out a good way to attach shades directly to a window, so I used snaps screwed into the the surrounding walls. Not sure if that would work in your car though. Anyway, I hope I'm wrong about the velcro glue -- who knows, maybe the sunlight in Massachusetts will be more forgiving?

  2. Glenn, That was on my list of cons (along with black fabric heating up the car) but I'm going to cross my fingers that either it hold or I come across a better solution soon:)

  3. Why don`t you just get all or some of your windows tinted with the dark limo tint. It will help tremendously !! Back in 2004 it was $100 for all my windows professionally tinted and they are fast. You just can not roll your windows down for I think 24 hrs.

  4. I would LOVE to tint my windows, but there are two set backs: 1) From what I've read Mass doesn't allow much in the way of tinting and 2) this cars on the way out anyway. Maybe in the next carhome

  5. Yeah, here in Mass they're pretty strict when it comes to window tints. I wouldn't bother, considering you're trying to avoid police attention not attract it.

  6. Whoops sorry Ash ! I did not know your state was so strict on tinting. On my car all the windows are dark except for the driver`s window. This one is lighter for the cops visibility.

  7. If your car is registered in another state, the tint can meet those requirements. Cops are less concerned about back windows than teh front. In any case you are allows 35% tint on all windows in Mass. Given that windows are about 80% tint from the factory, a 40% or 50% tint would be ok, with 50% tint being safe. You could then blackout the inside and be totally legal if hassled.


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