
July 20, 2011

The Yellow Dress

I have a new project born of my inability to walk away from a deal. I wandered into Good Will today and found this very cool yellow dress. I love it! Totally vintage, 100% cotton, and it fits. Well, it sort of fits. The bust is way too small. I actually had a moment of panic in the dressing room when I was forced to contemplate calling a sales associate in to pry me out of it. So I did what my mother taught me to do: I took the dress for a walk.

When we were kids mum would take all sorts of things for walks around the store. Food. Kitchen appliances. It’s kind of like a first date so you can see if the other is worth the cost. If they’re not then the lamp goes back on the shelf, the steak goes back to the cooler, and you don’t call them. Mum always made two trips through each isle; one to get to know the item and one to break up with it.

So I took the dress for a walk and examined the ridiculousness of spending $5 on a garment that didn’t fit. So what did I do? I bought the dress AND a $3 skirt of similar material so that I can alter the bust. Do me a favor; if I never mention this outfit again, don’t bring it up.


  1. I love thrift stores too! As a matter of fact my husband and I went shopping at Goodwill on one our first dates. You just never know what you are going to find. I look forward to enjoying your blog and please check back on mine!

  2. I am so going to mark my calendar and ask you about it in two weeks....LOL just kidding

    Hope the alterations work


  3. I want to see you in the dress when you are done. I bet you look very pretty in it !


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