
August 10, 2011

The Friend Request

Happy hump day everyone! It's Wednesday and I've been in the mood for some Sponge. This week I've been trudging through The Friend Request by Alex Ford. It was free on Amazon last week, but seems to have gone up to 99 cents now. Anyway, it's all about the horrors of Facebook and how much information we are really giving out over the web. It specifically focuses on all of those old school chums you haven't see in years. How do you know they are who they say they are? Well, if you want to be freaked out and maybe convinced to delete your account, it's not a bad read. Kind of slow at points but well written with good character building.

Today the office is closing down to visit a colleague. After work I'm going to be driving to Worcester to have dinner with some very good friends, one who is in town for a limited time only.

On a side note and to keep you inspired, check out these pictures of Jessica. She's a stealth cargo van and a 29 year old (who shall of course remain nameless) is living in this beauty in the heart of New York City. He's had some great ideas for her design and she's totally stealth. This just goes to show you, mobile dwellers are everywhere.


  1. Another great post. Thanks a bunch for the pics of "Jessica". Lot's of good ideas lurking in those photos!

  2. So Ash..... when are you upgrading to the condo style of perhaps a van? Lots of room ya know. yeah i know, money/budget etc.... i really miss the juggernaut van!!


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