
June 15, 2012

Preschool Graduation

Yesterday C graduated from Preschool. Having just graduated from College I know what a momentous and somber occasion it can be, but I'm not sure that these five year olds got the memo. First the teacher gave every child the opportunity to do something on stage, like sign there name in sign language or sing the ABC's. The first child, much to the audiences chagrin, decided to count to 100. Very. Slowly.

That was the beginning of the end for their collective attention spans. Pretty soon graduates were stripping off their gowns and playing space fighter on the stage.

All's well that ends well though. Diplomas were handed out and we ate celebratory pizza and cake.

Congratulations all you graduates out there!


  1. That's hilarious! My twin granddaughters also recently graduated from preschool and they had little graduation hats and rolled up diplomas too. So fun. There were a couple of characters up on their stage too.

    1. I never knew that people took preschool graduation so seriously! Those caps and gowns were on par with my college duds.

  2. Ah! How funny! Kids are the best.


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