
January 12, 2013

The Last of 28

Be the Type of Person You Want to Meet.

Today is my last day to be 28 years old. So what am I going to do with this somewhat arbitrary landmark? Well, not much really.

I ordered new strings for my violin, not the top of the line but nice enough that I won't be frustrated by the tin sound of my current strings. That's my birthday gift to myself.

I'm going to take myself for a walk, maybe find a wonderful new book, and then I'm going to lay in bed reading for the rest of the day.

One year from now I'm sure I'll be hiding from 30, so this year I'm going to lay low and do some planning. What will I do with the last of my 20s?

Right now my only real plan is that I'm putting together a trip to Copenhagen for July. I can get a round trip flight and spend four nights in the city for about $1100, and I can't pass that up. Yes, I should be spending every penny to pay off debt, but, when I'm celebrating my 70th birthday I won't look back and regret not paying my bills, so I'm going to squirrel some mullah aside for my first real vacation.

I'm sure I'll think of other goals, with my birthday being so close to the new year I have belated resolutions.

It's already 10:30am so I'm off to meander the last of my 28th year away. 


  1. Happy Birthday, Ash! Sounds like you have the perfect day planned! I've put a vacation or five on plastic. Maybe not the most responsible way to vacate, but I haven't regretted it (I may even still be paying for one or two of them!)

  2. Happy Birthday Ash .... Any chance to travel abroad is always well worth the expense!

  3. Happy birthday Ashley. Keep saving, you won't regret the trip. Then in your next year, save and plan your next trip!

  4. Ah, happy Birthday Ashley! I know Copenhagen. It's a fine city. And it's worth the money!


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