
February 5, 2012

Symphony Hall

I had a blast yesterday! I woke up early, drove to the testing center and took my Elementary Content Knowledge Test (which I aced!). After the Reading test on Tuesday I will officially be a "High Qualified Teaching Candidate", which can get me a teaching job in more states, so that's awesome.

The Statues
After the test I went to the college and tried to get some homework done but eventually gave up and drove to Boston. You might remember that I bought myself tickets to the Boston Symphony for my birthday and was going to go with a friend on the 25th of January. When NOLA called I had to shuffle my plans so this was the make up date.

A little back story: my mother use to take us to Symphony every other moth or so when I was growing up. We were broke (like, super broke) but we drive from New Hampshire to Boston for the kids performances or open rehearsals. Mum thought that we needed to know the difference between Beethoven and Bach, develop proper symphony etiquette (when to clap, when to stand, no talking, etc), and I think she kind of missed Boston herself. We would take the junker Volvo (which would break down every three trips or so) and spend the day window shopping at FAO Schwarz. For lunch we would go to the Union Oyster House and share a bowl of chowder then stuff our handbags with oyster crackers. Half would be eaten later and half would be fed to the pidgins at Faneuil Hall.

Unfortunately I still can't distinguish Beethoven from Bach most of the time, but I have a great love for classical music and all the pomp and circumstance behind it. Lucky for me Symphony Hall has this new program where people under 40 years old can get selected seats for $20 for any concert (otherwise my seats would have been $80 a pop).

So I met up with my friend Sarah, who now lives outside of Boston. She guided me through the intricacies of the public transportation system and we got to the hall in perfect time. We sat on the right side of the second balcony with a great view of Artemas (my favorite statue) and listened to Strauss, Dutlleux and Debussy (I'm now a big Debussy fan). I'm very lucky to have friends who are willing to get dressed up and come with me to such things and we plan on doing it again sometime soon.

Home every one else had as awesome a weekend.


  1. I Ash

    Reading your blog was great fun & enjoyment. If I was 30 years younger I would build you a stealth cargo trailer like this one below.

    And if I was much, much richer then I would take you on a trip around the world in this. Its in german, but the pictures are out of this world. You have never seen america this way before, its so beautiful. They spent 7,000 hours building this custom camper.

    On the very serious side , can you give us some blogging tips PLEASE !!! Pretty, Pretty PLEASE with sugar on it !!
    Because all your great and crazy fonts are just out of this world. How did you set up comments from the Peanut Gallery etc...? and the 5 buttons under your main banner. Its like your a natural power blogger.

    Your style is actually much better then Glenn's @ to simplify, only his site is famous because he was picked up by, so now he is making lots and lots of Ka Ching !!! due to all those hits, he does need to worry about money any more... just getting fat on grass feed beef.

    I am also very, very impressed how bright you really are for a young 28. You got your money's worth out of our education system, I would say you got $5 back for every $1 you put in. Living in your car for 1 year , is equal to 4 years college all by itself. Don't worry the right JOB - will find you, sooner or latter.

    And you are also so correct, people who are poor are very generous, people between $30-$300k are really uptight and so greedy, over $300k there are a few who are mellow again.

  2. Jerry, Shoot me an email at and we'll talk blogging. That German rig is amazing! I'm sure it guzzles gas like nothing but I doubt that cops knock on the door too often.


I love mail so leave a message, ask a question, or give me some advice. You can also email me at