
February 7, 2012

When Do You Wander?

"I think whatever I shall meet on the road I shall like, and whoever beholds me shall like me, I think whoever I see must be happy"
-Walt Whitman (From Leaves of Grass)

I had so much fun reading everyones responses to the the "Why do you Wander" post! (Feel free to chime in if you haven't already). It's amazing how many different reasons people have for the way they live and how many motivations people share. Boredom was a common reason for wandering as well as a need for freedom from societal constrictions. Quite a few people also emailed me (which you guys are always welcome to do) to talk more in depth about the events that lead them to this life. I was surprised how few people said that money (or lack thereof) was a factor, and by money I also mean traveling for work or traveling to find work.

Along with lots of comments and emails about why people wander, I also received quite a few emails from people who wanted to pass along thanks to the greater vehicle dwelling community for their honesty. It's important to remember that we all enter this lifestyle for different reasons. Some people come out of necessity, like the loss of a home or job. Some people just have that boredom that we talked about. There seem to be an extraordinary number of people who enter this life without realizing that there are others like them, with the same motivations and questions. We form a very loose and contently morphing community; able to offer advice and support to each and to those who honestly felt that they were alone in their lifestyle. Because of our lifestyle we are often forced to hide who we are from those around us, so it's great when a community of very unique individuals can chat about what drives them.

So here's the next question: When do you wander?

In two months I will have been vehicle dwelling full time for a year straight, but I spent many years vehicle dwelling in between jobs/apartments or on excursions. Do you vehicle dwell full time? Only when apartments are costly? I've spoken to many people who do a little couch surfing, a little renting, a little car living depending on where they are or what job they have. So, are you full time or on and off?


  1. Hi Ash,

    I'm kind of on and off. My situation is sort of unique. Though I have no permanent home in my name, I stay in my Dad's driveway and use his electricity much of the time. I can sleep in the house any time I desire but allergies make it very difficult.

    At first I wanted to go full time but then thought why not stay with this arrangement while it's here? Free parking and minimal expenses are a good thing. It is something to be thankful for...a choice of bedrooms, one inside and one outside. I can practice van dwelling as much as desired and tweak the van for maximum comfort. :)

    This winter I've gone out every week or two and done some camping in an organized campground. Now that a Honda generator was purchased, I can go to a more remote location such as near the beautiful, remote areas which are plentiful in Iowa.

    This summer a lot of fishing and camping trips will occur. I may end up taking a few months off from working. Then I can return to work in the fall.

    To sum it up, in winter the working is more important than the wandering. In the summer the wandering is more important than the working.

  2. I have been a on/off CarDweller ... ONLY ... because of
    family needing my help. Otherwise I would be full time.
    I really miss my freedom after only 3 - 5 days staying
    with family. Don`t take me wrong, I love my family very much .... but .... also miss the FREEDOM of the OPEN ROAD !!!


I love mail so leave a message, ask a question, or give me some advice. You can also email me at